Restaurants have good days and they also have bad days. The ideal situation is that good days are excellent and bad days are slightly less excellent. Consistency is a key factor in getting people to come back again and again. Having a good time one meal and a not so good another really doesn’t help.…
Tag Archives: dining
Ingredients of a fine dining restaurant – Part 3 of 6 – The Wine
We can all agree on one thing, while it may be difficult to get the best quality food at home, we can certainly get the wine. More and more guests are becoming knowledgable about fine wines. There are plenty of courses out there, magazines and books for the willing pupil to dig into.…
Ingredients of a fine dining restaurant – Part 2 of 6 – The Food
We did originally describe this as being about whether the menu matched the food. At the risk of sounding obvious, the food needs to follow from the menu. Upto the point of the food being presented to the guest, expectation is building.…
Ingredients of a fine dining restaurant – Part 1 of 6 – The Menu
If a guide is going to pay a visit, they will want your PR effort to include a copy of your menu. Critics will narrow their choice down in the same manner and are probably even considering their pre-order on the train over.…
Ingredients of a fine dining restaurant – Introduction
This came up on an internet discussion and got me thinking, not only about the ingredients but the order of importance. Usually restaurants are first judged by the critics and the guides. Both do their research before visiting the venue and both have a logic in their walk through of the visit.…