This wonderful book is on my re-read list. With the amount of time I spend in car, trains and planes each year, The Go-Giver has been listened to many times. The book by Bob Burg and John David Mann is a story of a young man’s journey over a few days with different mentors. It boils down to 5 laws which could have a real impact on any aspect of life. Today I am going to focus on social media. Two points, I use social a lot and I am not a fan of the media bit, it’s all about being social. So on with the 5 laws of stratospheric success.
#1 The Law of Value
“Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”
When do you take the most notice of someone on Twitter or Facebook? Probably when they have given something useful to you like a link, a photo, a video. People who give great content are more influential?
#2 The Law of Compensation
“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”
The more people following you or liking what you do is going to build your network. If your content or message is consistent and popular with this network, it will keep growing. You are serving those people who follow what you put out there. The audience is growing because they are tuning into you.
#3 The Law of Influence
“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.”
How more true is this on the internet. When was the last time you followed someone on Twitter or Facebook and then got a wash of sales messages. Your message has to be about what your audience wants. If you own a restaurant, people want to hear mostly about food, recipes and that kind of thing. A place that just talks about themselves is going to get tuned out.
#4 The Law of Authenticity
“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.”
Showing up on the internet is like having too many drinks. Who is really inside of you gets amplified. If your message is real or fake, people will know. Nearly every action leaves a permanent wave on the web. Being yourself is one of the kindest gifts you can give yourself.
#5 The Law of Receptivity
“The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.”
I was never quite sure what this part meant, but persisted with listening again and again. Finally it dropped. Someone, somewhere will actually notice what you do and reward you for it. This is not some cynical plan to garner trade, praise or profits but more about what goes round … If you have been genuinely helpful to a number of people, it does come back round. What does this mean in social media? One way to open to receiving is to make it easy for people to get hold of you?
This great book is available on Amazon. Click here to go to Amazon.