Medics : Emergency doctor




When the patient cannot get to the hospital, the doctor comes to the patient. This documentary series is based on the true life work of Rob Dawes. Dr Dawes is an anaesthetist at Southampton General in the UK. In addition he works as a special advisor to the ambulance service and as a pre-hospital doctor. If a patient cannot get to hospital in time, then it’s Rob’s call in the rapid response car.

Rob carries with him some of the most advanced medical equipment and drugs in the pre-hospital environment. But without his skills as a doctor and an ex fire fighter, these are just trinkets. Follow Rob as he deals with patient after patient in his own unique style.

The documentary was filmed as 12 episodes for National Geographic Channel. My role was as script consultant. This meant putting the contacts and framework together, followed by sense checking the content. Once a project like this is rolling there is very little for the script consultant to do. The vast majority of the work is in the time and effort getting the rock to the top of the hill.