A couple of years ago I spent a week at a clients site in a town in the Midlands of the UK. Day one, I got off my train and jumped in a cab to get to the site. The driver was friendly, helped me with my luggage and gave me a few tips for my stay in town.…
All posts by RossB
Q. How long is a piece of dirty string?
A. Just long enough to hang you.
Attention to detail is the key to being a leader in hospitality. The devil is in the detail but you are in Hell if you fail to follow up. If you cannot see the most obvious of small things, you need to win with the big stuff, or you are doomed to critical feedback.…
Advantage play or taking advantage?
One topic that is bound to get any casino protection specialist hot under the collar is advantage play. We are talking about professional players who by the nature of them being professional, ie they do it for the money, actually tend to make money at their chosen profession.…
A B C D E of Consulting
Every profession seems to have their own set of acronyms and memory shortcuts, so why not consultants? Here is something that I use as an aide memoire for team briefings.
A Advocacy. Many consultants forget about who they represent and who they need to take the lead from in terms of their assignment.…